How to Hide Websites From a Visited Router (4 Steps)
By Diana Braun
Wireless routers are capable of tracking the websites that are visited by computers using the router's connection. If you are using a public router or a family or friend’s router, you may not want others to know what websites you are visiting. Use a free Web proxy server to hide the address of the sites you are visiting. The proxy allows you to surf the Internet anonymously without exposing the websites you visit.
Step 1
Launch a Web browser and navigate to a Web proxy server website. Free Web proxies include, and
Step 2
Click inside the URL address field within the proxy website.
Step 3
Type the website you wish to visit without being visible to the router in the URL field.
Step 4
Press “Enter.” The website appears within the Web proxy.
Writer Bio
Diana Braun began her writing career as a consultant and technical writer for a software company focusing on how-to, training, white paper, and internal process documentation. After two years, Braun left to pursue her entrepreneurial dreams. Since then, she has launched several startups including a t-shirt business, an online marketing and advertising t-shirt distribution business, and an entertainment site. She currently resides in South Florida.