How to Hide Your IP Address & Serial Number

By Katrina Matterhorn

You can configure a proxy server in Windows XP.
i Ryan McVay/Photodisc/Getty Images

When you sign up for Internet service, your Internet service provider gives you an Internet Protocol (IP) serial number that identifies both your location and the network interface. It does not give exact addresses, but comes as close as providing your zip code and city. To prevent certain sites from using this information for spamming or finding out your location, you can use free proxy services online to hide your IP serial number, replacing it with the IP serial number of the proxy service.

Hide My Ass!

Step 1

Launch the Internet browser you use.

Step 2

Open the website "Hide My Ass!" (See "Resources.")

Step 3

Place the URL of the website you wish to visit while hiding your IP address and serial number in the text box underneath "Free Proxy." Click "Hide My Ass!" and you will be directed to that website, but it won't be able to detect your IP address or serial number.

Step 4

Purchase "Hide My Ass! Pro VPN Tunnel" (See "Resources"). U.S .prices as of 2011 are $11.52 for one month, $50.66 for six months and $78.66 for 12 months. This service will virtually encrypt any application you use with Internet connection such as a Web browser, instant messaging or Skype. Create a user account with your user name and password and download the Pro VPN Tunnel application to the computer. Follow all prompts to complete the set up and installation.

Step 5

Log on to the "Hide My Ass! Pro VPN Tunnel" Click "IP & Country Settings." Select the country you wish to virtually represent you. The options include: United Kingdom, United States, Canada, Sweden and the Netherlands. Click "Save" when you have chosen a country. Click on the "Dashboard" tab and click "Connect." It will then display your original IP address and the new IP address with the country you have selected.

Free Web Proxy

Step 1

Launch the Internet browser and go to the "Free Web Proxy" site (See "Resources").

Step 2

Place the URL of the site that you don't want to detect your IP address and serial number within the "Enter URL" text box.

Step 3

Click "Go." This will redirect you to the URL of the website you entered in the text box, but it will keep your IP address and serial number hidden.

Free Proxy

Step 1

Launch the Internet browser you use. Go to the "Free Proxy" site. (See "Resources.")

Step 2

Locate "How to Use Free Proxy." Type in the URL address of the site you wish to visit in the text box.

Step 3

Click "Visit." You will be taken to the website, but your IP address and serial number will be hidden.
