How to Forward Totals From One Spreadsheet to a Total Spreadsheet for Microsoft Excel

By Alan Sembera

Use linked cells to summarize data from several spreadhseets.
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Creating a summary worksheet to show the totals from several other spreadsheets is a snap using dynamic links in Excel. If a total on one spreadsheet changes, Excel automatically updates the number on the summary sheet. Not only can you link to worksheets in the same file, you can link to worksheets in other files. Excel automatically checks the other files for changes while your summary sheet is open.

Link Between Worksheets

Step 1

Open your Excel workbook and select the worksheet containing the total.

Step 2

Select the cell containing the total, and then press "Ctrl-C" to copy it to the clipboard.

Step 3

Switch to the worksheet where you want to display the total.

Step 4

Right-click an empty cell, and then select the clipboard icon with the two chain links under Paste Options. Excel pastes a link that points to the original cell address. If the original cell changes, Excel automatically updates the linked cell.

Link Between Files

Step 1

Open the Excel file containing the original total.

Step 2

Save the file to your hard drive or another permanent location if you haven't already done so. Excel requires that you save the file so that it can insert a file location into the link.

Step 3

Select the cell containing the total, and then press "Ctrl-C" to copy it to the clipboard.

Step 4

Open the Excel file in which you want to display the total.

Step 5

Right-click the cell where you want to display the total, and then select the clipboard icon with the two chain links under Paste Options. Excel pastes a link that points to the other file location and cell address.
