How to Fix Mouse Scrolling Problems on My Laptop

By Ruri Ranbe

You can fine-tune your mobile mouse settings to make scrolling more convenient.
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Touchpads on laptops were originally designed to replace external mice. As of August 2011, touchpad mice often mimic scroll wheels and allow users to scroll across the page when they drag their fingers along the far right side of the device. If you're having scrolling problems when using your laptop mouse, the device settings could be at fault. To adjust the settings on your touchpad, access the "Mouse Properties" dialog from the Windows Control Panel.

Step 1

Click "Start" and select "Control Panel." Type "mouse" into the search box in the upper right corner of the screen (without quotation marks), then select "Mouse" from the results.

Step 2

Click the "Device Settings" tab. Select your touchpad, then click the "Settings" button. Click "Scrolling."

Step 3

Select "Scroll Selected Item" to use scrolling in an active window or object. Click "Scroll Item Under Pointer" to use scrolling in the window or object underneath the mouse pointer. The window does not need to be active when this option is selected.

Step 4

Drag the slider to the right or left to increase or decrease the scrolling speed.

Step 5

Click "One-Finger Scrolling." Check "Enable Vertical Scrolling" and "Enable Horizontal Scrolling" to scroll in either direction with one finger.

Step 6

Check "ChiralMotion Scrolling" to scroll up, down, right or left on a page while moving your finger in a circular motion.

Step 7

Check "Enable EdgeMotion When Scrolling" to continue scrolling when your finger reaches the bottom of the laptop mouse; check "Enable Coasting" to continue to scroll through a page even when you life your finger from the touchpad surface.

Step 8

Click "Apply," then "OK," to fix the mouse scrolling problems on the laptop. Click "OK" to close the "Mouse Properties" window.
