How to Fix a Disk Error on a Toshiba Laptop
By Kefa Olang
Has your Toshiba laptop been freezing or crashing down lately? If you have had a hard time saving information, then your hard disk may have errors that will require troubleshooting and repairing. Disk errors are data corruptions caused by bad sectors that physically damage your hard disk, causing start-up problems, read errors and data writing problems, generally deterring the performance of your computer. With a few troubleshooting steps and guidelines, you can locate and fix those errors before your hard disk is completely damaged.
Step 1
Double click the "My Computer" icon on your desktop, then right click your hard disk. Generally, this is the C drive.
Step 2
Scroll down and select "Properties." Click the "Tools" tab on the new window then click "Check Now" under error checking.
Step 3
Click the "Scan For and Attempt Recovery of Bad Sectors" check box to repair disk errors, locate bad sectors and recover readable files.
Step 4
Click "Yes" to begin the check disk on the next computer restart. Restart your laptop. Before the computer boots, you should see a three-stage automatic error check. This will last several minutes.
Step 5
Make note of the errors that have been fixed when the check disk is complete. A list of errors found and fixed is displayed on the screen before your laptop boots completely.
Step 6
Contact Toshiba Support from the link in Resources below if your laptop is still having errors. The damage on your computer may be above your expertise level.
Writer Bio
Kefa Olang has been writing articles online since April 2009. He has been published in the "Celebration of Young Poets" and has an associate degree in communication and media arts from Dutchess Community College, and a bachelor's degree in broadcasting and mass communication from the State University of New York, Oswego.