How to Fix Camera LCD Glare

By Lester L'Fayette

Camera LCDs are prone to glare.
i digital camera age image by Steve Brase from

Nearly everybody with a digital camera has difficulty previewing the results of their expert shooting while taking photos in bright sunlight. The glare on a camera's LCD can sometimes be so bright that it's impossible to see anything on the display. This not only makes it hard to see your photos, but can also make it very difficult to make any adjustments in the camera menus. There are, thankfully, some measures you can take to overcome this all-too-common inconvenience.

Step into the shade. More often than not, there will be a place you can easily move to get out of an area that is prone to creating camera LCD glare. This can be beneath a tree, under an awning or as easy as stepping inside. Without the bright sunlight bearing down hard against your LCD, it will be easier to see the photos you just took and edit the menus inside your camera. Be sure to try this before touching the LCD so as to avoid any potential damage to the screen.

Place your hand around the LCD. If you can't find a shady spot nearby, you should try using your hand to block out the rays of the sun that are reflecting off of your LCD screen. When you do this, try not to touch the actual screen. Doing so increases the risk of smudging, scratching or otherwise damaging the LCD. Instead, curve your fingers around the screen without actually touching it.

Try a film or acrylic LCD protector. If the use of shade or your hand fails, LCD protectors reduce the amount of glare coming off the LCD screen while protecting it from other types of potential damage. A film protector goes directly on top of the screen, so be sure to smooth out any air bubbles upon applying it. If you go for an acrylic protector, keep in mind that it may be more expensive. Either option is optimal for getting rid of glare, but an acrylic protector may be desirable if you don't want anything to touch your LCD screen.

Attach an LCD cap. These caps attach to a camera around its LCD screen, and they flip up so that the screen can be viewed. They are three-sided, and they reduce the LCD's exposure to excessive light in addition to protecting it from any additional damage. Depending on which digital camera you have, the addition of an LCD cap may be permanent, so be sure it is comfortable for you before purchasing.
