How to Fix Corrupt Calendar Entries in Microsoft Outlook

By Bennett Gavrish

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When you attempt to create a new calendar event or view an existing one in the Microsoft Outlook application, you may occasionally receive an error message concerning incorrect folders. This means that your calendar entries have become corrupted. Fortunately, Outlook includes a repair feature that can easily fix the problem and make your calendar start working normally again.

Step 1

Close the Microsoft Outlook program and make sure it is no longer running.

Step 2

Open the Start menu and click on the "Run" icon.

Step 3

Type "outlook /cleanreminders" into the text box and then hit "OK." Outlook will now scan and repair all of your calendar entries.

Step 4

Open the Start menu again and go back to the "Run" option.

Step 5

Type "outlook /resetfolders" into the text box and then hit "OK." Outlook will now reorganize your Outlook folders in order to ensure calendar entries are stored correctly.
