How to Fast-Forward & Rewind on Your iPod

By KR Knowlin

iPods can be used as hard drives to store music.
i musique image by Christophe Schmid from

With the iPod user-friendly interface, you can browse your media library, pause and play tracks, and control playback options like rewind and fast forward. If you have a click wheel iPod, the Fast Forward button is located on the right of the click wheel, while the Rewind button is located on the left. Touch-screen iPods, like the iPod touch and the iPod Nano, have on-screen controls to manipulate playback.

Click-Wheel iPods

Step 1

Navigate to a song in your library.

Step 2

Press the "Play/Pause" button to play the track.

Step 3

Press and hold the "Next/Fast-Forward" button to fast-forward through the track. Release the button to play the song.

Step 4

Press and hold the "Previous/Rewind" button to rewind the track. Release the button to play the song.

Touch Screen iPods

Step 1

Navigate to a track in your library you want to play.

Step 2

Tap the song. The track's information page loads to the screen and the song begins to play.

Step 3

Press and hold the "Next/Fast-Forward" icon of the on-screen controls to fast-forward through the track. Release the icon to play the song at its new position.

Step 4

Press and hold the "Previous/Rewind" icon of the on-screen controls to rewind the track. Release the icon to play the song at its new position.
