How to Edit BIOS From a Command Line

By Breann Kanobi

Modify your BIOS to override computer defaults.
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BIOS provides the basic input and output information for your computer. BIOS is a part of all IBM personal computers and is built into the PC via the BIOS card installed on the motherboard. You can access the BIOS command prompt to alter the BIOS settings. This allows you to alter things such as the order of boot for different drives or default passwords. Do not alter BIOS settings unless you understand the full repercussions of the modification.

Step 1

Turn your computer off by pressing and holding the power button. Wait 30 seconds, and press the power button.

Step 2

Wait about 3 seconds, and press the "F8" key to open the BIOS prompt.

Step 3

Use the up and down arrow keys to select an option, and press the "Enter" key to select an option.

Step 4

Alter the option using the keys on your keyboard. Enter new numbers for numerical values using the keypad. Move the order of options up or down using the plus and minus keys. Press "Y" to enter yes for an option and "N" to enter no for an option.

Step 5

Tap the "Esc" key to exit BIOS, and return to your normal computer home screen.

Step 6

Click on the "Start" menu and select "Run." Type "D:/>wmic bios get /format:list" to bring up a list of the BIOS settings. Alter the settings using the same methods you used previously.

Step 7

Restart the computer after changing the BIOS by clicking the "Start" button and selecting "Shut Down." Click the button that reads "Restart" and allow the computer to reboot.
