How to Download TV Shows from YouTube

By Joshua Laud

Finding a key does not require editing the Windows Registry.
i Ciaran Griffin/Lifesize/Getty Images

If you're watching a homemade show on YouTube, you might want to download the video so you can watch it at a later date on your portable media device. You can download YouTube videos, as well as videos from other multimedia websites, in a variety of ways. You can download a video with freeware software, or if you prefer, using an online website. The time it takes to download a YouTube video depends on your Internet connection speed, and the length and quality of the video.

Downloading with YouTube Downloader (Freeware)

Step 1

Download YouTube Downloader from the CNET download website (see Resources).

Step 2

Double-click the downloaded installer (located in your browser's default download directory) to begin setup. Once setup has finished, double-click the desktop icon to load the software.

Step 3

Enter the URL of your YouTube video into the "Enter video URL" box.

Step 4

Click the "Convert To" drop-down menu and choose a video format for the show to be converted to. This can be left as default unless you want to put the video on a portable media device such as the iPod; in which case, click "Ipod Video" from the list.

Step 5

Click "OK" to begin downloading your show from YouTube.

Downloading with (Website)

Step 1

Go to the website (see Resources).

Step 2

Enter the URL of your YouTube video in the "URL" box.

Step 3

Click the "Converts to" drop-down menu and change the file format if you desire.

Step 4

Click "Start" to begin the conversion. Once the video is converted, you will be prompted for a save location for your file. The download will then automatically begin.

Downloading with KEEPVID (Website)

Step 1

Go to the KEEPVID website (see Resources).

Step 2

Enter the URL of the YouTube video in the "URL" box and click "Download."

Step 3

Click "Allow" when prompted by the Java Applet.

Step 4

Specify a download location when prompted by KEEPVID. Your show will now download to your computer in your chosen directory.
