How to Download Maps to a Magellan GPS

By Phil Hoops

Updating your Magellan GPS will ensure that you are using the most accurate map software.
i handheld gps image by Christopher Dodge from

Magellan is a popular manufacturer of personal navigation devices. The company offers a wide variety of GPS systems, including devices designed for both hiking and driving. Many Magellan GPS devices, including the Maestro 4350, have the ability to be updated. This means that you can add new routes and points-of-interests (POIs) to your GPS's database.

Step 1

Open the Web browser of your choice and navigate to Magellan's official website (See Resources). Click on the Support tab at the top right of the screen. Download the Content Manager Toolbox to your computer's desktop.

Step 2

Install the software, and when it is complete, plug in your Magellan GPS to an available USB port in your system. Wait for the program to recognize your GPS, and click Check for Updates, which will appear. If an update exists, you will be prompted to install it. Click OK and wait as your computer downloads and installs the update.

Step 3

Disconnect your Magellan GPS from your computer when the installation is complete, and begin using the updated maps and routes.
