How to Disable Windows Installer

By Launie Sorrels

Disable Windows Installer

The Windows Installer has had several complications working with applications. The Windows Installer may have these issues every time an application is started. In some cases, reinstalling the application (such as Office), and not selecting the option "This feature will be installed when required" can fix the problem. But in many instances this does not do the trick. When this does not work it is time to roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty.

Log into Windows. Click the "Start" button. Select "Run." Type "mmc.exe" and press the enter key. The Console menu will appear. Select "Add/Remove Snap-in" at the top left of the screen. Click the "Add" button in the center of the screen.

Double-Click "Group Policy" in the left pane. Click "Finish." Click "Close." The confirmation window appears. Click "OK" at confirmation window.

Expand the tree in the left side of the pane, "Local Computer Policy\Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Window Installer."

Double click "Disable Windows Installer.Enable window opens." Click "Enabled." Click "Always." The confirmation window appears. Click "OK" at the confirmation window.
