How to Disable the Ring/Silent Switch on an iPhone

By Marissa Robert

Enjoy peace and quiet by setting iPhone text alerts to vibrate mode.
i Daniel Barry/Getty Images News/Getty Images

The iPhone's silent switch is a piece of hardware on the outside of the phone that makes adjustments to the software that runs the phone: specifically, it tells the phone to set the ringer to vibrate. It is easy to engage the silent switch without meaning to, and sometimes even break it in the silent position. Fortunately, there are a few software applications that allow you to bypass the silent switch and turn the ringer on your phone back on.

Step 1

Use the Silent Switch Bypass iPhone application to get around your silent switch. Silent Switch Bypass is available in the iClarified repository for free. Silent Switch Bypass allows you to adjust your sound settings regardless of the position of your silent switch.

Step 2

Add AutoSilent to your iPhone to bypass a broken silent switch. AutoSilent is available in the Cydia application store for a fee. AutoSilent allows you to do a variety of other things, as well as manually setting your ringer and vibration settings, whether your silent switch is engaged or not and even if it is broken.

Step 3

Download Mirror Profile from the Mirrordev website for a small fee. Mirror Profile is an application that only works fully on jailbroken iPhones. It allows you to change your sound profile on a schedule or manually. Adjust your sound profile settings from "Sleeping" to "Standard" and you can bypass a broken silent switch either to turn your ringers off or back on again.
