How to Delete Visited Auctions on eBay

By Aramenta Waithe

i Image courtesy of eBay

EBay hosts millions of live auctions, and you may view several during a typical shopping session. As you browse the site, eBay displays your most recent searches and viewed auction listings at the bottom of each page. This allows you to return to a previous auction with minimal effort. But on a shared computer, it could allow someone else to view your recent auctions inadvertently. Delete your visited eBay auctions to prevent this from occurring.

Step 1

Visit eBay in your Web browser and search for any term or view any auction.

Step 2

Scroll to the yellow "My Recently Viewed Items" box near the bottom of the page. This box shows the auctions you viewed recently as well as your most recent eBay searches.

Step 3

Click the blue "Clear All" link to delete your eBay history.
