How to Delete a Header From MS Word Table of Contents
By Stephanie Ellen
MS Word is a powerful word processor that provides you with a myriad of options for creating professional-looking documents. As part of the document creation process, you can insert an automatic table of contents to keep track of document parts and page numbers. MS Word builds the information in the table of contents from headers, a type of style you apply to text. To delete a header from MS Word's table of contents, you need to remove the header style from within the document itself.
Step 1
Locate the text you want to remove from within the document. You may need to use MS Word's "Find" feature to locate the text. Double click the text to highlight it.
Step 2
Click the "Home" tab.
Step 3
Click "Quick Styles" and "Normal" in Word 2007, or click "Normal" from the Style group in Word 2010. This removes the header designation from the text.
Step 4
Click "Update Table" in the document's table of contents.
Step 5
Click "Update entire table," then click "OK" to remove the header from the table of contents.
- For a quick fix, click on the header in the table of contents and delete the information by pressing the "Delete" key. However, if you update the table of contents in the future, the information will reappear. If you want a permanent removal of the information, you must remove the header tag from the document.
Writer Bio
Stephanie Ellen teaches mathematics and statistics at the university and college level. She coauthored a statistics textbook published by Houghton-Mifflin. She has been writing professionally since 2008. Ellen holds a Bachelor of Science in health science from State University New York, a master's degree in math education from Jacksonville University and a Master of Arts in creative writing from National University.