How to Add Cookies to My Browsers

By Jennifer Patterson

Adding cookies to your browsers save you from having to re-enter information when revisiting a website.
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Adding cookies to your browsers can be useful, especially if you visit specific websites frequently. Cookies are files that are stored on your computer whenever you visit a website. Your browser stores information about your preferences in a small file called cookie.txt. When you return to a particular website, your web browser sends a cookie back to its server. This saves you from having to re-enter your information. Adding cookies to your browsers requires a few simple steps.

Steps to Add Cookies to Your Browsers

Add cookies to your Mozilla Firefox browser by clicking on "Tools" and then "Options." Select and click on the "Privacy" tab. Select "Use custom settings for history" and click inside the box next to "Accept cookies from sites." Click "OK" to add cookies to your browser.

Click on the "Tools" menu that is located on your Internet Explorer browser. Scroll down to "Internet Options" and choose it. Click on "Privacy" and then select "Advanced." Check the box next to "Override automatic cookie handling" and accept "First party" and "Third party" cookies. Click the box next to "Always allow session cookies" to select it and then click on "OK."

Click on "Preferences" on your Safari browser. Select and click on "Security." Choose between "Always" or "Only from sites you navigate to," then save your changes.
