How to Delete Adult Websites
By Alan Okpechi
Adult websites can not only be offensive but may also contain viruses, spyware and malware that can affect the integrity of your browser and operating system. Viruses and other rogue programs can also redirect you or your children to adult-themed sites and leave a history of the sites on your computer's hard-drive. Internet Explorer and Firefox have means of deleting the history of websites. This information can be stored for months to years and can slow down your computer.
Internet Explorer Instructions
Click on the "Start" button found under the main menu bar and click on "Control Panel. Double-click on the "Internet Options" icon once the options for "Control Panel" become available.
Click on the "General" tab found at the top of the "Internet Options" window. Select "Clear History."
Click on "Yes" and then "OK" to delete your websites.
Firefox Instructions
Open the Firefox browser.
Click on "Tools" found on the main menu bar at the top of the Firefox window.
Select "Clear Recent History." Select how far back you wish the history to be deleted. Click on "Clear Now" to delete the history from your browser.
Writer Bio
Alan Okpechi has been a freelance writer since 2008 and writes for companies and websites like eHow. Okpechi specializes in health-related topics, drawing from his Bachelor of Arts in both biology and English from the University of Texas at Dallas.