How to Create a Talk Show on YouTube

By Editorial Team

Updated July 21, 2017

These days, talk-show hosts are more famous than a lot of their guests. While you might not be able to make your way onto TV, you can star in your own talk show on YouTube for free. Work hard and soon everyone will be clamoring to be a guest on your show.

Set up a YouTube account. Go to and click "Sign Up" and fill in the form with your information. You'll be able to sign in and upload videos once your account has been created and activated.

Create a set for your talk show. It can be as casual or formal as you like, just make sure the area is well lit and free of ambient noise.

Develop a concept and content. This will not only help you plan your shows and determine who to book as guests but will also help you to establish an angle to distinguish your show from the millions of other videos on YouTube. Go with what you're interested in, whether it be a lighthearted showcase of your friends' talents or a chance to interview local public figures who are making a difference in your community.

Videotape your first episode. Make sure to practice with your camera before filming to avoid any mishaps.

Connect your camera to your computer with a USB cable or docking station. Transfer the video file to your computer and save it so you can upload it to YouTube.

Log into your YouTube account and click "Upload Video." Give your video a title, description, video category and tags. Set your broadcast, date and sharing options and then click the button that says "Upload a Video." YouTube accepts such video formats as .wmv, .avi, .mov and .mpg.

Click "Browse" when you get to the next page. Find your video file on your computer, double-click on the file and click on "Upload Video." The page will say "Upload Complete" if your video uploaded correctly.

Set a schedule for your show. You can tape once a day, once a week or once a month, but keep in mind that writing and recording a show will take a good chunk of time. Think about how much free time you have and take that into account when you're setting your schedule.


You can only upload 10 minute videos to YouTube, so if your talk show is longer than that, you'll have to upload it in several parts.
