How to Create Database Tables From XML and XSD Schemas

By Bennett Gavrish

Build FIlemaker Pro tables from XML and XSD files.
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The Filemaker Pro application is a database development tool that allows you to store multiple tables of data within a single file. You can use external sources, like Extensible Markup Language (XML) and XML Schema Definition (XSD) files, to build the information in each table. XML files contain actual raw data, while XML schemas simply lay out the structure of the table.

Step 1

Launch the Filemaker Pro application on your computer.

Step 2

Open the database in which you want to use XML and XSD files or create a new database by using the "File" menu at the top of the screen.

Step 3

Go to "File" in the top menu bar, expand the "Import Records" submenu and choose "XML Data Source."

Step 4

Choose the "File" radio button and then double-click on the XML file that you want to use in the database's table.

Step 5

Select the "Use style sheet" option and then double-click on the XSD file you want to use for the structure of the table.

Step 6

Press the "Continue" button to begin importing the XML data and XSD schema.

Step 7

Drag and drop items in the "Import Field Mapping" window to match up data from your XML and XSD data with fields in your table. Hit the "Import" button when you are done.
