How to Create a Second Email With

By Michelle Carvo

Updated October 06, 2017

i Jason Reed/Photodisc/Getty Images

You can create a second email address with by adding new users to your Comcast account. Added users can also take advantage of other Comcast features beyond using the email account.

Adding New Users

Comcast Xfinity allows you to add additional members to your Comcast account. You can assign each of these users a unique username, which becomes their email address. Follow these directions for creating a second email address with Comcast Xfinity:

  1. Sign into your Xfinity account and then click the “My Account” link.
  2. Click the “Users” link under “My Account” and then scroll down. Click the “Add a new user” option.
  3. Fill out the new user form with the user’s first and last name, username and account password. Click “Add user” to create the email address and account. The user’s Comcast email address will be [email protected].

Restricted vs. Unrestricted Users

Comcast gives you the ability assign specific account privileges to each user you add to your Comcast account. There are two types of accounts that you can create: restricted and unrestricted users.

Restricted users can only access the areas of your Comcast Xfinity account that you give them permission to access. You can give them permission to access the billing section, Comcast Voice and other features. You can also make it so that they can only access their email account.

Unrestricted users can access your account’s billing section along with any account features. They cannot access your Comcast email address, however.

You can edit a user’s privileges by doing the following:

  1. Log into your Comcast Xfinity account and then click “Users.”
  2. Click on the user that you want to edit.
  3. Scroll down to the “Permissions” section and select what sections you want to give the account access.
  4. Click “Save” to save that user’s new permissions. You can change these at any time to further restrict or remove restrictions from the user’s account.


There are some limitations to adding additional Comcast Xfinity email accounts. Comcast Xfinity only allows you to have up to six additional users on your account and these users must reside in your household. The added users won’t have access to all account features that your primary account does, but they will be able to send and receive emails from the account. The additional email accounts have the same mailbox space limit as your primary account.

Benefits of Adding Additional Comcast Xfinity Users

There are a couple benefits to adding additional users to your Comcast Xfinity account beyond just giving the users their own Comcast email address. Added users won’t need your account credentials to log into the site and watch Xfinity TV shows and movies. Added users also can check and pay the bill if you give them permission to do so. This can be helpful if you have a roommate that you would like to split the Comcast bill with.
