How to Create Graph Breaks in SigmaPlot
By Peter Thomas
SigmaPlot is a data analysis package that is used to conduct statistical analysis of data. You can take your information and generate a chart of it. However, for presentation style, you may wish to keep breaks between data elements or between certain values on the chart. These breaks are automatically created if the "Graph Break" setting is enabled in SigmaPlot's configuration menu.
Open the Windows Start menu, click "All Programs," then "SigmaPlot" to launch the SigmaPlot application.
Click "File," then "Open" to open a new project. Select your SigmaPlot data, then click "Open" to open it.
Click "Graph" and then click "Settings." Click "Break Configuration."
Enter a numeric value next to "Break Increment." For example, type "500" to add a break after every value reaches five hundred.
Select a spacing break size next to "Spacing Break." This defines how much of a gap exists between items on the chart. A default of "Normal" is selected, but this can be changed to "No Gap," or "Small Gap," or "Large Gap" or "Custom." If you select "Custom" you must enter a width in pixels between gaps, such as 200 pixels to create a large space.
Click "OK" to save your changes.
Click "Graph" then "Generate Graph from Worksheet Data." Your graph settings will be applied to the file.
Writer Bio
Peter Thomas has been a technical writer since 2001. He also works as a computer-programming consultant who specializes in conveying abstract information-technology concepts to non-technical workers. Thomas is a former site manager and reporter for the Warcry Network. He received his Bachelor of Science in computer science from the University of Connecticut.