How to Copy & Paste HTML Onto My Website

By Cam Merritt

Extract code from website pages to study and learn from it.
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Most novice webmasters have puzzled over how to use HTML to format text a certain way, arrange content into columns or build tables. When you come across a site that does exactly what you want to do, your Web browser gives you a look inside the HTML source code. You can copy and paste the code as a starting point for creating equivalent effects on your own pages.

Step 1

Load the Web page whose source code you want to copy into a window in your Web browser. View the page source to reveal the raw HTML. Most browsers place the command for this option in the View menu, or in a contextual menu that appears when you right-click on a Web page.

Step 2

Find the lines of HTML you want to copy. Press "Ctrl-A" to select the entire document, or click and drag through it with your pointing device to select part of the code. Press "Ctrl-C" to copy the selection to the clipboard.

Step 3

Open the file into which you want to paste the HTML in an appropriate editing application. Use a plain-text editor such as Notepad in Windows or TextEdit on a Mac. A browser displays the file as a Web page instead of showing you the HTML.

Step 4

Find the spot in your file at which you want to paste the HTML you copied earlier. Press "Ctrl-V" to paste in the code.

Step 5

Save your HTML file. Leave it open in the plain-text editor if you plan to make more changes.

Step 6

Open the HTML file in a Web browser and examine how the pasted-in HTML renders. To make further adjustments to the code, return to the plain-text file, make the changes and save the file. Refresh the page in your browser.

Step 7

Launcb FTP software or use the control panel in your hosting account to access the files for your website. Upload the edited page.
