How to Copy an Amazon Wish List to Facebook

By Dan Ketchum

You never know -- a generous friend might make your day after reading your Wish List.
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In addition to selling seemingly any product under the sun, Amazon offers plenty of user customization for each shopper. Among personal shipping preferences, gift wrapping and product recommendations, the mega-site also offers the Wish List, which is exactly what it sounds like -- a collection of items you want, whether for gifting purposes or for a rainy day. Your Amazon Wish List is completely shareable, and Facebook gives you a few options for spreading the word.

Step 1

Select “Wish List” from the main menu after logging in to your Amazon account. This brings you to the main control panel for your Wish List -- from here, you can add comments to Wish List items, prioritize certain products over others and more. This page also enables you to share your list.

Step 2

Hover over the “Manage this list” option under the “Shopping List” heading and then select “Change privacy settings.” On the next menu, check the bubble next to “Public” and click the “Save” button. This not only makes your Wish List available as a result of searches, it also creates a link for public sharing.

Step 3

Click “Share with friends” on the box above the “Shopping List” header to open another window. Note the text reading “Or share on:” followed by Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest icons. Click the Facebook icon to share your Amazon Wish List with your social network on Facebook.

Step 4

Copy the URL next to “Permalink” in the share window for an alternative Facebook sharing method. The URL should read something like “” This is the public link for your Wish List. Simply paste the URL into your Facebook status update to share it with your friends.
