How to Convert VGZ to MP3

By Chris Caruso

By using Winamp users can convert their VGZ audio files into MP3s.
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VGZ audio files are Gzip compressed VGM (Video Game Music) files. This audio format can be found in many old video consoles manufactured by Sega and ProSonic. By using the free software Winamp, users can convert VGZ audio files into MP3s.

Step 1

Download and install Winamp, a free customizable audio player. (See Resources.)

Step 2

Download the out_lame plug-in for Winamp (see Resources). This free plug-in enables users to create MP3 files directly from Winamp. Make sure Winamp is closed, then install the plug-in.

Step 3

Open Winamp and create a playlist. Add all the VGZ files you wish to convert.

Step 4

Open Winamp preferences by pressing Ctrl and P. Under the Plug-Ins heading, choose "Output" then select "Lame MP3 Writer." Click "Configure" and adjust the MP3 output settings to the desired quality. Select the output folder you'd like to save the converted files to. Click "OK."

Step 5

Press "Play" in Winamp. The files will play with no sound and quicker than they would in real time. Wait for every song in the playlist to be played. The MP3s are now created and can be located in the output folder you chose in Step 4.

Step 6

Open Winamp preferences again, Under the Plug-ins heading select "Output" and change it back to "DirectSound" output.
