How to Convert QXP to PDF

By Jamie Lisse

If you are using QuarkXpress to work with a book manuscript you may need to get your QuarkXpress QXP file into PDF format. Converting a QXP file to a PDF is actually pretty simple and it can even be done right in QuarkXpress. If you have QuarkXpress on your computer you will not need to buy Adobe Acrobat to make the PDF from your QXP document. In fact, QuarkXpress has a built-in way for you to make a production-ready PDF.

Step 1

Launch QuarkXpress on your computer. You will create the PDF from within QuarkXpress so you will not need to have any other programs open.

Step 2

Open the QXP file in QuarkXpress if you do not already have it open. Click "File" and then "Open" to open it.

Step 3

Go to "File" and then "Export" and then "Layout to PDF" to prepare to convert to PDF. An "Export to PDF" dialog box will open.

Step 4

Select "Options" on the dialog box. Click on "Compression" to get your compression options. All of the compression options should be set to "None" on their drop down menus.

Step 5

Choose "Color" to see the color options. By "Setup" select "Composite CMYK" from the drop down menu.

Step 6

Click "OPI" to see OPI options. Put a check in the box by "OPI Active" if there is not one there already.

Step 7

Pick "PDF" to see the PDF options. Select "Direct to PDF" and click the "OK" button as that is the last setting that needs checked. This will take you back to the "Export to PDF" dialog box.

Step 8

Press the "Save" button on the "Export to PDF" dialog box. This will save the QXP file as a PDF file.
