How to Convert OBJ to IGS

By Dennis Blake

OBJ and IGS files contain 3-D image data.
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3-D modeling and computer-aided design programs save their project files in a variety of formats. OBJ is a standard format used by LightWave, Maya and many other programs to represent 3-D models. IGS is a widely used vector image format that AutoCAD, TurboCAD and other computer-aided design programs can read, save and export. Although OBJ files do not contain geometric data and cannot be converted directly to IGS, you can use a program that supports both formats to import an OBJ file and export to IGS.

Step 1

Download and install either FreeCAD or TurboCAD, two computer-aided design programs that support both OBJ and IGS files natively. While TurboCAD is not free, you can sign up for a free trial.

Step 2

Click "File," select "Import" and find your OBJ file.

Step 3

Click "File," select "Export" and choose "IGS" as the file type.
