How to Convert MS Word File to EPS (5 Steps)

By Greyson Ferguson

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Microsoft Word files are commonly saved as ".doc" documents (some Word versions save the document as ".docx"). Although many different programs have the capability of opening a .doc (or .docx) file, there are some programs that cannot run the specific file. If you want to use your .doc (.docx) file with a postscript-editing software you need to convert the file. A postscript file notation is ".eps," however there are a few different .doc conversion programs available that posses the capabilities of converting the .doc or .docx to an .eps.

Step 1

Launch your internet browser and navigate to a site (see Resources) that offers file conversion software. These programs can convert a variety of different program files, including Microsoft Word .doc files to .eps files.

Step 2

Download the software by selecting the download link. Launch the downloaded file and follow the prompts to complete the installation.

Step 3

Launch the installed document converter. Click "File > Open" and select the specific .doc file you want to convert.

Step 4

Select ".eps" as the output format from the pull-down menu on the screen. Choose your output location by clicking the "Browse" button next to the output location menu towards the bottom of the screen.

Step 5

Click "Convert" and the Microsoft Word .doc file will convert over to .eps.
