How to Convert a JPEG to a SWF File

By Bill Richards

i Jupiterimages/ Images

Converting a JPEG format picture to SWF is often convenient for web designers aiming for faster web page load times. SWF is also a good alternative to PDF and does not need a separate client reader to be installed on a users machine for the document to be properly viewed. Using a suite of tools called SWF Tools, you can quickly an easily convert JPEG pictures to SWF.

Step 1

Download and install Adobe Flash CS4. You can use the trial version of the software, or purchase it.

Step 2

Open Flash and create a new "Flash File (ActionScript 3.0)."

Step 3

Go to the "File" drop down menu and select "Import > Import to Stage..."

Step 4

Select your JPEG picture and click "Import."

Step 5

Click in the gray area outside the white box and under the "Properties" heading in the right column press the "Edit" button to change the stage dimensions to match the dimensions of your JPEG picture. (If your JPEG is 100px-by-120px, set your stage dimensions to 100px-by-120px.)

Step 6

Move your picture into the resized white box so your picture fills the white stage frame.

Step 7

Go to the "File" drop down menu and select "Export > Export to Image..." and save your SWF file to your hard drive.
