How to Convert an HTML File to a Word Document

By Mara Shannon

HTML Converted to Text with Copy and Paste (TextEdit).
i Catherine Chant

The easiest way to convert HTML to DOC (Microsoft Word) format is to open the HTML file (usually a web page), copy the content and paste it into a blank document in Microsoft Word (or another word processor that can save files in DOC format). When it comes to HTML documents that contain pictures, tables or anything much more complicated than text with a bit of formatting (such as bold or italics), you'll probably need to use a file converter. HTMLtoRTF Converter Easy, a free program from Brothersoft, converts HTML files to rich text format; you can then easily change them to DOC format.

Step 1

Download HTMLtoRTF Converter Easy, unzip the folder, install and run the program.

Step 2

Save the HTML file to your computer, if it is a web page and you do not already have it saved.

Step 3

Click "Browse" under "Input Path" and choose the file you wish to convert. If you are converting multiple files, you can put them all in one folder and check the "Convert all files in this directory" box.

Step 4

Choose the converted file destination by clicking "Browse" under "Output Path." Make sure "*.rtf" is checked under "Output Format."

Step 5

Check "Convert tables" if you want HTMLtoRTF Converter Easy to convert the tables in your HTML document to regular text. Depending on how the table is organized, this may make it easier or more difficult to read in the converted document; you may have to experiment with different settings.

Step 6

Click "Convert."

Step 7

Open the RTF file in Microsoft Word or another word processing program that can save in DOC format, such as Open Office. Check the document against the original HTML and correct any obvious inconsistencies in formatting.

Step 8

Go to "File" and "Save As." Under "Save as type," choose "Microsoft Word (*.doc)" and click "Save."
