How to Convert Gerber to Dwg

By ShamikaM

Gerber is a file format used in the electronics industry. Gerber files contain information about electronic chips and circuits. DWG is a file format that stores design data for CAD packages. Gerber files can be indirectly converted to DWG files so that they can be read by any CAD software program. Gerber files have to be converted to DXF files before converting DXF files to the DWG format. DXF format was developed for files that are read by AutoCAD. This file format allows data to be read by AutoCAD and other CAD programs.

Download and install Gerber to DXF format converter (see Resources). Different Gerber-to-DXF converters include GerbView, GBRVU/X and LinkCAD.

Open the Gerber file in the converter using the Import option. Convert the file to DXF format.

Save the DXF file in a location of your choice.

Download and install DXF-to-DWG format converters (see Resources). A few format converters include Active DWG DXF Converter and Any DWG DXF Converter 2010.

Open the DWX file in the converter and convert it to DWG format.
