How to Convert AVSEQ to MPEG

By Alizarin Black

AVSEQ is an uncommon video format. You cannot play an AVSEQ file with a media player since it has the ".DAT" extension, and most media players do not support the .DAT file. You could rename the AVSEQ.DAT to AVSEQ.MPG, however, some media players may not play the video file properly. If you want to play your AVSEQ file, you can convert AVSEQ to MPEG. All media players support the MPEG video format. Many video converters allow you to convert AVSEQ videos to MPEG.

Any Video Converter

Download Any Video Converter from "Resources" section.

Install and open Any Video Converter.

Press "Add Video" on the Any Video Converter toolbar to load an AVSEQ file and then press "Open" when you are done.

Press the "Profile" drop-down list on the right side of Any Video Converter. Scroll down until you see "MPEG."

Press "Encode" on the toolbar to convert AVSEQ to MPEG.

Super C Converter

Download Super C Converter (see Resources).

Install and open Super C Converter.

Right-click Super C Converter and then click "Add Multimedia Files" to add an AVSEQ file to Super C Converter.

Press "Select the Output Container," scroll down the list until you see "MPG" and then single click with your mouse.

Press "Encode" to convert your AVSEQ file to an MPEG.

Total Video Converter

Download Total Video Converter in "Resources."

Install and open Total Video Converter.

Press the "New Task" button on the left side of Total Video Converter and then press "Import Media Files" to add an AVSEQ to Total Video Converter. Press "Open" when finished. A pop-up window appears on the screen for you to select a video format to convert your AVSEQ file to.

Press the "Video File" tab in "Convert To:" window and then press "MPEG."

Select a folder to save the MPEG in "Output File Settings." Press the "..." button by "Output File" to choose a folder on your hard drive to save the MPEG.

Press the "Convert Now" button to start AVSEQ to MPEG conversion.
