How to Convert Access Forms to Web Format

By Matthew Burley

Access tools for linking tables are essential for work teams with large databases.
i Ryan McVay/Photodisc/Getty Images

Database programs, such as Microsoft Access, are naturally compatible with websites that rely on stored information for generating and saving content. While the database is stored on a server that operates behind the scenes of the website, there must be a a method for entering or retrieving data. Forms, such as those created in Microsoft Access, are perfect for generating a user interface to communicate with a database. Access forms can even be converted to the HTML web format within the Access program, thereby simplifying the process of converting from your local database to the Internet.

Step 1

Double-click your Microsoft Access file to launch the database in Microsoft Access.

Step 2

Double-click your form in the "Objects" column on the left side of the screen.

Step 3

Click the "External Data" tab at the top of the screen.

Step 4

Select the "More" option in the "Export" section to expand the list of file export options.

Step 5

Click the "HTML Document" option to launch the "Export" window.

Step 6

Click the "Browse" button at the top of the window to choose a location for the web-formatted Access form that you are about to export, then click the "OK" button.

Step 7

Select the form of encoding that you want to apply to your web form, then click the "OK" button. The available encoding options include "Default encoding," "Unicode" and "Unicode UTF-8." If you don't know which encoding type you require, select the "Default encoding" option, as that will use your computer's current default system encoding to create the file.

Step 8

Check the box next to "Save export" steps if you wish to perform this conversion again in the future, then click the "Close" button.
