How to Convert Joystick 15 Pin Connector to USB

By Daniel Hatter

Many newer computers do not have the 15-pin connectors that are required by some joysticks. However, there is an easy way to convert your 15-pin joystick connector to USB, which is a connection format supported by all computers.

Research and buy a 15-pin-connector-to-USB adapter. See Resources below for sources for buying this adapter. These are not usually available in walk-up stores.

Insert your joystick connector into the adapter. Ensure you insert it right side up. Improper installation can result in bent pins, so if it does not slide in smoothly, try it the other way. Do not force it.

Insert the adapter into one of your computer's USB ports. These ports will be labeled as such on your computer.

Turn on your computer. Once your computer has loaded, a "Found New Hardware" message should flash on your screen. Follow the onscreen instructions for finishing the installation of your joystick.
