How to Hook Up a HDMI Computer to a HDMI Monitor

By Gregory Hamel

i Jupiterimages/Pixland/Getty Images

HDMI is a high-quality connection used to transmit high-definition video and sound through a single cable, usually to a television. Some computers and monitors are capable of using HDMI connections, an increasingly important feature as high-def video becomes more prominent online. Connecting a PC to a monitor with HDMI requires the computer to have a video card with HDMI capability.

Step 1

Turn off the PC.

Step 2

Plug one end of the HDMI cable into the HDMI "Out" on the computer's video card.

Step 3

Plug the other end of the HDMI cable into the HDMI "In" on the monitor.

Step 4

Plug the monitor into an electrical outlet and turn it on.

Step 5

Start up the computer.
