How to Clean a Panasonic Plasma Screen

By Robert Kingsley

Be cautious because once a plasma screen is scratched, it cannot be repaired.
i Chris Hondros/Getty Images News/Getty Images

The collections of dust particles and fingerprints on your Panasonic plasma TV don't just look terrible, they increase glare and make the picture look washed out. It is understandable that a plasma television owner may hesitate to clean the screen because it is so fragile it may end up scratched. Cleaning the screen of a plasma TV safely is easy.

Step 1

Turn off your Panasonic plasma television and unplug the power cord from the wall outlet.

Step 2

Wipe the screen with a dry microfiber or 100 percent cotton cleaning cloth, using short gentle strokes. This should remove all dust and most fingerprints.

Step 3

Dissolve a few drops of dish-washing liquid (not dish-washer detergent) into a spray bottle of distilled water before dampening your cloth. Use this only to wipe away serious smudges that could not be removed by gentle wiping.

Step 4

Remove dust from the Panasonic plasma TV using a standard household vacuum cleaner with a hose attachment. Set the vacuum to its lowest setting and pass it quickly over the vent holes on the back of the television.

Step 5

Wipe the plastic outer casing with your dampened cleaning cloth.
