Class Reunion Booklet Ideas

By Carl Hose

Class reunions are a time for getting together and seeing old friends, reuniting with your past and remembering your old school. Old friends get together to catch up on each others' lives before returning to the present. A special class reunion booklet can celebrate the occasion and also facilitate the catching up by including current biographical information.

Cover Ideas

The cover of your class reunion booklet should reflect the reunion theme. The text will include the name of your school and the relevant dates, such as graduating year and reunion date. A good idea for a cover picture might be a photograph of the school as it was when your class attended and a newer picture. If you're putting the booklet together after the class reunion to send to classmates as a commemorative item, take a picture of the class at the reunion and put it on the cover, along with a class picture from the yearbook. You might even consider a collage of old and current photos of your classmates and the school.

Interior Design

The design of the class reunion book should reflect your school's colors and include any mascot your school had. You might use page borders made up of your mascot. Consider a small running banner across the bottom of each page composed of pictures of anyone who attended the class reunion.


The written content of the class reunion book is probably the easiest part to put together. There should be an introduction that tells a little about your school. You could let each class member write a short biography letting other classmates know what they've been up to since school. Include a memorial section for anyone alumni who have died. Include a section of the booklet for special high school memories and invite former classmates to share their experiences. List the names of graduates at the start or finish of your booklet. Include drawings or writings by some of your former classmates. Include something special about everyone in the class, including those who don't make it to the reunion.
