How to Change the Data Type on a Query Field in Access
By Leigh Thompson
Microsoft Access stores your information in tables. Once a table is created, you can use the many tools provided to view and manipulate your Access database. Microsoft Access queries are created to search the database. The fields used in a query are stored in the underlying table. In order to change the data type in one of your Access queries, you need to change the data type in the table's design.
Open your Microsoft Access database.
Right click the table your query is based on. Choose the "Design View" option from the list.
Locate the field that you want to change. In the "Data Type" column, click the drop-down arrow to select a new data type.
Click the "File" option on the top menu. Choose the option to "Save" your table. Close your table.
Open your query. The data type of the field in your query is now changed to the new data type.
- If you have already created relationships between your tables, you have to delete the relationship before you can edit the data type.
Writer Bio
Leigh Thompson began writing in 2007 and specializes in creating content for websites. She has been published online in various capacities. Thompson has an associate degree in information technology from the University of Kansas and is working on a bachelor's degree in business and personal finance.