How to Change the Resolution of a GIF File

By TS Jordan

Finding a key does not require editing the Windows Registry.
i Ciaran Griffin/Lifesize/Getty Images

A file's resolution is the number of horizontal and vertical pixels contained within an image, expressed in a format such as 1024x768. To crop a GIF image, changing the resolution may be necessary, forcing it to fit within a specific area or expanding the image to allow you to add additional content. This can be done with the photo-manipulation tools of your operating system.

Step 1

Click the Start menu at the bottiom of your screen, and select "All Programs."

Step 2

Click "Accessories" and select "Paint."

Step 3

Select the File menu, click "Open," and click on the GIF image to be resized.

Step 4

Click "Image," select "Attributes," and enter the new resolution of the image by Width and Height.

Step 5

Save the revised GIF file with a new name.
