How to Change Pattern Color in Photoshop

By Ryan Menezes

Photoshop's pattern stamp can paint colored patterns onto your canvas.
i Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images

Most of Photoshop's default patterns use neutral shades of gray because pattern colors usually don't matter. When you apply a pattern to larger image, you combine the image's colors with the pattern's design to create the illusion of texture. You can, however, place a pattern over other layers or on a blank canvas, displaying the pattern's own color in your finished product. To change this color, you can apply a colored filter to an existing pattern.

Step 1

Create a new blank file in Photoshop. Right-click the clone stamp icon in the toolbox, and click "Pattern Stamp Tool" to switch to the Pattern Stamp Tool.

Step 2

Click a pattern from the drop-down box in the Options toolbar.

Step 3

Click and drag over the canvas to cover it fully with the pattern.

Step 4

Click "Image," "Adjustments" and "Photo Filter" to open the Photo Filter dialog box.

Step 5

Click "Color," and click the colored square beside it to open the Select Filter Color dialog box.

Step 6

Choose your color from the color picker. Type "100" in the Density text box, and click "OK" to apply the color to the pattern.

Step 7

Click "Edit" and "Define Pattern" to launch the Pattern Name dialog box. Type a name for the pattern, and then click "OK" to save the pattern with the changed color.
