How to Change "Leave a Reply" in WordPress

By Jason Artman

By default, certain WordPress themes use the heading "Leave a Reply" above the comment section at the bottom of each post. This is the case with Twenty Ten, the default theme included with WordPress. If you would rather use a different message such as "Comment on Post," you can change the text displayed above the comment field by editing your theme in the WordPress theme editor.

Step 1

Log in to your WordPress dashboard.

Step 2

Open the "Appearance" section on the left side of the WordPress dashboard and then click "Editor."

Step 3

Click the "Comments" link in the right side of the page to edit the file "comments.php."

Step 4

Press "Ctrl" and "F" to open your Web browser's "Find" dialog. Type "Leave a Reply" in the dialog box to locate the comment box title. Depending on the WordPress theme that is installed, this section of code will appear similar to "<?php comment_form_title( __('Leave a Reply'."

Step 5

Change the title from "Leave a Reply" to what you would like the comment form to display.

Step 6

Click the "Update File" button at the bottom of the page.
