How to Change the Feedback That You Left for a Seller on eBay
By Gina Poirier
Whether you are a regular eBay user or just an occasional visitor, you are probably familiar with the company's feedback system. Buyers and sellers are encouraged to leave feedback for one another on every transaction and receive ratings based on the accumulation of all of their feedback. You can give someone negative, neutral or positive ratings. Occasionally you might want to change the feedback you leave. You cannot remove or change a positive feedback, but you can add "follow-up" comments to it. You can also upgrade a negative or a neutral feedback upon the seller's request.
Adding Follow-up Comments to Your Original Feedback
Step 1
Log in to your eBay account and visit either eBay's Feedback Forum or your Feedback Profile. You can find the link for your Feedback Profile by clicking "Leave Feedback" under "Shortcuts" on your "My eBay" page.
Step 2
Click the link "Follow up to a Feedback left." You can find this in the column on the right side of the Feedback Forum page or at the bottom if the Feedback Profile page on the left side.
Step 3
Find the transaction that you would like to follow up on your feedback on the page that appears. There should be a list of every transaction you have made. Once you have located the transaction, click "Follow up" under the "Action" column.
Step 4
Write your comment in the box provided and click "Leave Follow-up Comment."
Changing a Neutral or Negative Feedback
Step 1
Contact the seller and ask him to send you a revision request if he has not already done so. To send a message to any eBay member, go to the "Messages" tab once you have logged in to the "My eBay" page. Click "Find and contact member" in the column on the left side of the page. Follow the prompts to find the seller and send him a message.
Step 2
Click "Accept request" when you receive an email from the seller requesting a revision.
Step 3
Change the rating on the eBay Feedback page that appears by clicking on the appropriate button. Note that you cannot change a neutral rating to a negative rating. Also revise any comments in the text box.
Step 4
Give the transaction the appropriate number of stars, with five representing the most positive experience and zero representing the most negative experience.
Step 5
Click "Revise Feedback," review your changes and edit if necessary. Then click "Confirm" to make your final submission.
Writer Bio
Gina Poirier has a professional background in nonprofit administration and management, primarily with youth development organizations. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in international studies from the University of Washington and a Master of Public Administration from the University of Alaska Anchorage.