How to Change the Camera View on Google Earth Flight Simulator

By Randall Blackburn

Fly around the world from your desk with the Google Earth Flight Simulator.
i Digital Vision./Digital Vision/Getty Images

You can travel around the globe with the Google Earth Flight Simulator, controlling your plane and flight direction with your mouse, a joystick or key combinations on your keyboard. Some commands can be accomplished only by using the keyboard controls, among them the pilot’s camera view.

Step 1

Open Google Flight Simulator and initiate a flight in flight simulator mode.

Step 2

Press the “Alt-Left Arrow” keys simultaneously to slowly move the pilot’s camera view to the left. Press the “Alt-Right Arrow” key to slowly move the pilot’s camera view to the right.

Step 3

Press the “Ctrl-Left Arrow” keys to quickly move the pilot’s camera view to the left. Press the “Crtl-Right Arrow” keys to quickly move the pilot’s camera view to the right.
