How to Take Care of a Laptop Battery

By Jason Artman

Updated September 01, 2017

As soon as a laptop battery is built, the clock begins ticking on its lifespan. At most, a laptop battery can last around five years. However, if the battery is not cared for properly, you may find yourself needing to replace it after just one or two years. Purchasing a new laptop battery is an expensive investment; exercise proper care to maximize its lifespan.

Air Flow

Avoid using your laptop on plush surfaces or carpets, which prevent air from entering and leaving the unit freely. All of the laptop's components must remain cool for the longest possible lifespan, and this includes the battery.

Dead Charge

Avoid draining the battery completely. When lithium-ion batteries are allowed to discharge completely – and stay discharged for any period of time – their maximum capacity can be permanently reduced.

Extended Charging

Remove the battery from the laptop if the laptop is connected to a reliable power source and will remain so for an extended period. When a laptop is running on AC power, the battery is regularly "topped off" by the charger. This keeps the battery within higher temperature ranges than it should be stored at, and the repeated "top-off" charges cause wear.

Laptop Storage

Store the laptop in a comfortable room-temperature environment when it is not being used. The cooler the room is, the better. High temperatures will cause the maximum capacity of the battery to be decreased, even when the battery is not in use.

Long-Term Battery Storage

Avoid placing the battery into long-term storage with a completely full or empty charge. If the battery will not be used for a prolonged period, place it into a zip-top plastic bag and store it in the refrigerator charged to about 40 percent of its maximum capacity.
