How to Capture a Signature Online With a Mouse

By Kevin Lee

Use your mouse instead of your pen to sign your name online.
i signature image by kuhar from

Technology has evolved to where computer users sign their names on virtual paper over the Internet using computer mice. According to the Federal Trade Commission, electronic signatures are legal. To digitally sign an electronic document, you can print it, sign it and scan it back into your computer. To save time, eliminate those steps by using software to create an image of your signature as you write your name using a mouse. Download digital signature software, or visit an online website that captures your signature and saves it to your hard drive.

Navigate to Toucan Multimedia (see Resources) and click "Try It Here." A blank document will appear. Hold down your left mouse button and write your name. Click "Clear" if you make a mistake. Type your name in the signature text box and click "Submit Agreement." The site will display a sample document containing the signature that you drew above the name that you typed. It will also include the date that you created the signature. Click "View PDF" to preview the signature as it would appear inside a PDF.

Visit My Live Signature (see Resources). Click "Proceed" to try their signature service. Click "Draw a signature straight to the screen" to display the signature window. Hold down your left mouse button and write your name. Click "Start Over" to clear the signature and start over. Click "Create Signature" when you are satisfied with the signature. The site will create a JPEG image of your signature and open a File Save window. Click "Save." Windows will save the signature to your hard drive.

Go to Online Signature Pad (see Resources) and select a signature color from the drop-down box. Select a font width from the "Font Width" drop-down box. Type your email address in the "Email Signature" box. Hold down your left mouse button and write your name in the window provided. Click "Erase" to correct mistakes. Click the "Email Signature" button when you are done. The site will email you the signature.
