Can I Use Microsoft Visio to Draw Electrical Schematics?

By Lisa M. McMahon

You can create and print electrical schematics with Microsoft Visio.
i embodiment of engineering idea image by Yuriy Poznukhov from <a href=''></a>

Microsoft Visio is a graphical and drawing application that provides design templates and shapes you can use to create diagrams, including complex electrical schematics.

Basic Electrical Template

One of the templates included with Microsoft Visio 2010 is "Basic Electrical." You can use this template to create schematics, blueprints, one-line and wiring diagrams. The Basic Electrical template contains shapes for switches, circuits, semiconductors, relays, transmission paths and tubes.

Systems Template

Another template included with Microsoft Visio 2010 is the "Systems" template. With this template you can create annotated electrical schematics. This template includes shapes for solid state devices.


Microsoft Visio 2010 has numerous shapes you can use in your electrical schematics. Templates are pre-loaded with the most common shapes. You can easily include additional shapes in metric or U.S. units within Visio "Shapes" pane. More shapes are available online.
