Can the Kindle Fire Open PDF Files?

By Danielle Fernandez

Use your Kindle Fire to view PDF files easily.
i David McNew/Getty Images News/Getty Images

Amazon's Kindle Fire, like most of today's e-reader tablets, is no longer just for reading books. The Fire allows access to multiple file types, including PDFs in both the native and Kindle formats, and offers the flexibility to view files on the device's screen or connect it to a projector or external monitor. The Kindle Fire provides a great mobile element to your office's technology needs.

PDFs on the Kindle

It's simple to use the Kindle to read PDFs, and there are two different methods for viewing the files. Native PDF files need nothing more than a transfer to the Kindle followed by a tap to access the native file as it's viewed on any computer. If you wish to use the Kindle's features within your PDF -- highlight passages or use notes, for example -- you need to convert it to the Kindle format while transferring.

Transferring the PDF to the Kindle

The PDF files themselves are easily transferred to the Kindle Fire by either emailing them to your Kindle email address, which you can find by logging into and viewing the Manage Your Kindle section, or by connecting to a computer via USB cable and transferring them manually. Typically, PDFs are delivered to the "Documents" tab.

Native PDFs on the Kindle Fire

If you plan to view the PDF with its original formatting and graphics layout, the Kindle Fire provides access to the PDF in its native format. This allows you the use of the typical PDF functions like zooming and scrolling. The Kindle Fire bookmarks your position in the PDF document for the next time you access it.

PDFs as Kindle Documents

If you'd like to use Kindle features within the PDF document, you'll need to first convert the PDF to a Kindle document. This is easily done by typing "convert" on the subject line of the email you initially use to send the PDF file to your Kindle. Upon receipt, Amazon automatically converts it to its proprietary format. You'll then be able to use the Kindle's features within the document. For example, you'll have access to changing font size, highlighting passages and using the "Text-to-Speech" function. However, converting the PDF to a Kindle document generally reformats the pages, so you'll likely find that the graphics and photos have been rearranged and are only viewable when the Kindle is in landscape orientation.

PDF Apps

If you find that the default PDF viewer on your Kindle Fire limits your viewing capabilities or makes it difficult to interact with the features of your PDF file, consider trying another PDF viewer from the Amazon App Store. You'll find many free PDF viewing apps available for download there that likely offer the features you desire.
