How to Calculate Azimuth in Excel
By Lindsey Mason
An azimuth is defined as "an arc of the horizon measured between a fixed point and the vertical circle passing through the center of an object." This measurement is often used in the fields of astronomy, navigation and artillery. In order to calculate the azimuth using Microsoft Excel, you will need the geographic coordinates of both points being used and the distance between them.
Entering the Geographic Coordinates
Step 1
Select the destination cells for the latitude and longitude of both points and right-click.
Step 2
Select "Format Cells" and click "Time."
Step 3
Choose the "hh:mm:ss" format and click "OK."
Step 4
Select new destination cells for converting the "Time" values to degrees.
Step 5
Enter this formula: "=[destination cell]*24." This is necessary for correct calculation.
Entering the Formula
Step 1
Select your destination cell.
Step 2
Enter this formula: "=ASIN(COS(RADIANS([Latitude 2 cell])*SIN([Distance])/SIN(RADIANS([Longitude 2 cell]-[Longitude 1 cell])))))." The conversion to radians is necessary for the trigonometric functions to work properly.
Step 3
Select a second destination cell and center this formula: "=DEGREES([Above destination cell])" to convert the answer from the formula back to degrees.
Writer Bio
Lindsey Mason is a graduate of the University of Phoenix where she obtained an associate degree in information technology with a focus on programming. She works with many programming languages including Java, C++ and VBA. Mason has written many video-game and technical articles. She is an avid gamer and specializes in RPG video games.