How to Build a Website With Python

By Matthias Will

Python powers many websites on the Internet.
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Websites are all coded in Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), usually with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to help with the design. However, most websites require some sort of template system. Since nearly every page on a website has the same layout, these template systems are easy ways to add additional websites without having to copy entire files of HTML. It also allows a change to the template to affect the entire website. Python is one programming language that allows you to build templates.

Find a website host with Python enabled hosting. Most hosts will not enable Python by default, so it is important to find one that allows it if you are interested in building websites with Python.

Learn how to program in Python. The Python programming language's official website, linked to in the references, has good documentation for this. Python by itself is a command line driven language. This means it will take additional libraries to build a website. Django is the best library for doing this. Once you have a firm grasp on Python, begin learning how to use the Django library.

Create a Django project for your website. Django allows you to design the website code using HTML and CSS, while keeping the Python programming separate. This helps to make changes to the appearance of the site without affecting how it runs.

Upload your code to your host and visit your website. If there are no errors in your code, you will see the website you built using HTML and CSS. Python allows you to add variables and code directly into the HTML, and create dynamic web pages. These are basic elements necessary for a large website.
