How to Automatically Install ICS Files to Outlook

By Naomi Bolton

Converting from iCalendar to vCalendar requires Outlook.
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The iCalendar ICS file type is a universal format for storing and displaying calendar files. ICS files can be opened by several calendar programs, including Microsoft Outlook 2013. While you can import ICS files manually into Outlook using the "open and export" menu, it's easier to automatically associate the file format with Outlook. With this association, you can automatically add the ICS files to Outlook when you open the file. You'll save a lot of time if you receive regular event or meeting invitations in this format.

Windows 8

Step 1

Press any key on your keyboard to open the Windows 8 "Search" window and then enter "default" (without the quotation marks) in the input box.

Step 2

Click "Settings," and then select "Default Programs" in the search results.

Step 3

Select "Associate a file type or protocol with a program," and then select ".ics" from the list of file types.

Step 4

Select "Change program," and then select "More options."

Step 5

Select Microsoft Outlook 2013 from the list of applications.

Step 6

Click the "Close" button to save the changes.

Windows 7

Step 1

Click the Start button and select "Control Panel."

Step 2

Click "Programs," and then select "Default Programs."

Step 3

Click the "Associate a file type or protocol with a program" link and select "ics" from the list of file types.

Step 4

Click the "Change program" button, and then select "Outlook" from the list of "recommended" or "Other" programs.

Step 5

Click the check box next to "Always use the selected program to open this kind of file," and then click "OK."
