How to Add a Printer Using the Wizard

By Jackson Lewis

Microsoft Windows allows you to add a printer to your computer by using a "printer wizard." The printer wizard automatically detects all locally connected printers and allows you to find and connect your computer to networked printers that are available on your local area network. The wizard also downloads the required drivers for the printer if they are not already installed.

Plug the printer into the USB or printer port on your computer if you are installing a local printer. Depending on the default settings configured in your operating system, this may automatically start the printer wizard. If it does not, the steps to open the wizard vary slightly depending on which version of Windows you are running. For newer versions of Windows XP and Vista, click "Start" and then "Printers and Faxes." For older versions, click "Start," then "Settings" and then "Printers."

Choose the "Add Printer" menu button. The Add Printer Wizard will start. Then, choose "Next" and choose "Local" or "Network" for the location of the printer you are installing. If your printer is plugged directly into your computer, then the choice is "Local." If you are installing a network printer, the appropriate choice is "Network."

Choose the printer you desire to install from the menu list. If the printer driver is not installed on your computer, the wizard will now download and install it.

Select "Yes" or "No" on the final menu if you would like to make the printer the default option for printing on your computer.
